

The Embassy of Hungary in Berlin and the German Agricultural Society (DLG), in cooperation with the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, the Hungarian Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers (MEGOSZ) and the German Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Association (VDMA Landtechnik), as well as with the support of the Hungarian Export Development Agency and the Enterprise Europe Network, the German-Hungarian agricultural technology online business forum took place on May 4, 2022.

In the framework of the forum, famous speakers from the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture (AM), MEGOSZ, as well as VDMA Landtechnik and DLG reported on the Hungarian and about the current situation of German agriculture, presenting the development prospects and opportunities. Within this, agricultural machinery production received special emphasis from both countries. Five MEGOSZ Member Companies introduced themselves in a five-minute presentation each, offering opportunities for cooperation.

The presenters of the event

Domestic agriculture was presented by Mrs. Anikó Juhász, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, and agricultural machinery production by Mr. Tamás Csanádi, president of MEGOSZ.

The DLG published the information about the event as well as video recording and presentations on DLG Connect (dlg-connect.com) and Deutsch-Ungarisches Wirtschaftsforum Agrartechnologie – dlg.org and share the links through various dlg-channels on social media and newsletters.