


UNITECH is an interesting competition for Hungarian students


“Plan and build a class machine!!” was the call for Hungarian students by the MEGOSZ member CLAAS Hungaria Ltd. The first time 21 teams started, bat at the end of programme just only six finished. The deciding game was held on 29. 04.  in the Hungarian CLAAS factory, Törökszentmiklós.

The teams of 2 to 4 members have to build a class machine which can perform at the following tasks: mobility function, harvesting, fatigue test. However the harvested, “crops”, were wooden balls and cubes positioning on ground.

The ones with the highest quality plan will be given an opportunity and support to build the machine and compete with the other finalist at CLAAS location in Törökszentmiklós.

The best ones will be awarded with outstanding prizes and may have a career opportunity at CLAAS.

You can realize more information at http://www.unitechcompetition.com.

Some persons of the MEGOSZ attended of this event: the member of the Jury was the founder organiser Tamás Csanádi, president of the Jury was the chief secretary of MEGOSZ, László Fenyvesi.

Some pictures about this interesting competition: