

In the production of agricultural machinery, the quality of the input materials and the proper supply chain are important in the production of high quality products. Therefore, the Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers (MEGOSZ) organized its annual conference “Modern inputs in agricultural machinery”. The event was held on 25 May in Szekszárd, in the quality management of the catering Ferropatent Zrt.

The conference was opened by Sándor Szabó, CEO of Ferropatent ZRT, highlighting the opportunities offered in the steel products market, which, by exploiting the factories, can save considerable costs.

The professional opening lecture entitled “Modern Materials and Welding Procedures in the Production of Agricultural Machines” was held by Dr. János Dobránszky, the lecturer at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

The different steel products can also be obtained in Hungary, we have learned it from János Balatoni, an expert of the Ferropatent ZRT.

The screw connections where presented by Gábor Palcsák, a Böllhoff KFT expert, which are soluble easily, but “run” on the hard vibration test.

In the metal industry, adhesive technology is more and more gaining ground. The solutions, presented by Ferenc Kerekes, Henkel Hungary’s KFT, prove that the company’s “Loctite” branded products are the same or better than the metal bonds.

Attila Polják from “Wellding” Kft. presented the welding quality assurance.

The “Supply chain management” is important in industry. János Mondovics, the head of Bonitat Kft presented the elements and advantages of the system with case studies from agricultural machinery factory. During the conference it was possible to build relationships between factories. The event ended with a wine tasting and dinner in the “Bodri” Winery.

The audience of the conference

In the workshop

The audience is in the “BODRI” cellar