
UniTech Engineering Contest in Hungary

CLAAS Hungária Kft organized the UniTech Engineering Contest for the fifth time, where teams of university students solved different tasks of simulated agricultural work with self-built “combines”. 30 teams from nine national and two foreign universities entered the tournament, but only nine groups got to the final, which was held on April 19 in Törökszentmiklós

Basically, three tasks had to be solved, while complying with numerous requirements (for details see The teams had to construct a “harvester” that “harvests” wooden cubes and tennis balls and sorts them into different containers (Figure 1).

Figure 1 The machine of team (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), gaining 2nd place, was suitable for the “harvest”.
The harvester with the “adapter” trailer had to pass through a slalom track (Figure 2)

(Figure 2) The winning team (“Steel Heart”, János Neumann University) on the slalom track.
Finally, a fatigue test was carried out by the complete machine-groups. On the track they had to overcome many obstacles without failure (Figure 3)

Figure 3 On the fatigue course, this obstacle was insurmountable (team SZIE-Company, Szent István University, 3rd place)
Participants and winners of the exciting and interesting competition received valuable rewards (Figure 4)

Figure 4 The winners with the CEO of CLAAS Hungary Ltd, Mr. Andreas Szakacsi and HR manager Ms. Maria Nove